HomeKVKK Clarification

KVKK Clarification

Dear Member,

In order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, in the processing of personal data, and to regulate the obligations and rules to be followed by real and legal persons who process personal data, the “Law on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) No. 6698 was published on 07.04.2016 and entered into force.

Champs Technology Inc. (“Champs” or “Company”), in the capacity of data controller, the personal data we have obtained from our members within the scope of the person group who are online members of the platform belonging to us and provide services to our Company, within the framework of the purposes specified in the KVKK and detailed below, in connection with these purposes. We hereby inform you that we will save, store and preserve personal data in a limited and measured manner, preserving the accuracy and the most up-to-date form, and that we will transfer it to third parties and companies under the conditions stipulated by the KVKK.

What is Personal Data? Which Personal Data is Processed?

Personal data is any information that identifies or makes you identifiable. In this context, all kinds of information that can be associated with you, such as your name, surname, TR identity number, your address and telephone information, and bank account information, which are your main identification information, are referred to as “Personal Data”. Such as your data regarding race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, membership of associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, as well as your biometric and genetic data regulated in accordance with Article 6 of the KVKK Sensitive data are referred to as “Special Quality Personal Data”. Accordingly, the disclosures to be made for your Personal Data also include your Special Quality Personal Data.

In this context, as Champs, we collect the Personal Data of our members and keep them in accordance with the KVKK. It may detail Personal Data processed by Champs as follows:

Identity Information: Data identifying the identity of the person, such as name and surname, TR identity number, photocopy of identity card, place and date of birth, passport that we collect from our members.

Contact Information: Data that we collect from our members, such as phone number, residential address, e-mail address, which enable communication.

Visual and Audio Data: Personal data that includes all visual materials that we collect from our members and that can be associated with the relevant data owner, and audio recordings made during interviews.

Financial Information: Data such as debt balance, receivable amount, fee, bank account information that we collect from our members and can be associated with the relevant data owner. .

Communication and Complaint Management Data: Personal data obtained from our members in the processes of receiving and evaluating all kinds of requests or complaints against our company.

Special Qualified Personal Data: Data we collect from our members, such as health data, biometric data (audio and video recordings), religion and membership association specified in Article 6 of the KVKK.
Other Data: The data we collect from our members for technical transaction security is data collected through automatic means, with purchase information, cookies and other means.

What Methods and Legal Reasons Do We Collect/Process Your Personal Data?

We collect your Personal Data automatically or non-automatically, verbally, verbally, in writing or electronically, through the following main purposes and methods and other channels that may be added to them in the future.

You can send your Personal Data through the internet and various social media channels, through the platform operated on behalf of Champs, through other communication methods including e-mail, short messages (“SMS”) or multimedia messages (“MMS”), within the scope of Champs activities, which we have signed with you or your company. through contracts, commercial offers, printed and electronic forms, business contacts, third parties such as service/product suppliers, and various channels, including sources such as the Trade Registry, provided that it is verbal, written or electronic, fully or partially automatic. or by various non-automatic methods as part of any data recording system.

We process your Personal Data, which we collect in accordance with the above methods, based on one or more of the following legal reasons:

Having your express consent,

Allowing the processing of the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Turkey,

When you are unable to express your consent due to actual impossibility, it is compulsory for the protection of your person or someone else’s life or bodily integrity

It is necessary for the performance of the contract we have concluded with you or your company,

It is necessary to process your Personal Data in order to fulfill our legal obligations,

Your Personal Data has been made public by you,

Necessary for the exercise or protection of our legal or contractual rights as Champs,

The processing of your Personal Data is necessary for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms,

Your private data, which you share with us and with our customers or people who buy products or services from our customers, can be recorded and stored by our automatic voice recording systems. We recommend that you be careful not to share your sensitive personal data, as phone calls are automatically recorded.

We would like to state that we store your personal data in cloud systems with adequate security measures and that we have a confidentiality agreement with the companies that serve us for the use of these cloud systems.

As Champs, we keep all Personal Data we process in accordance with the periods required by the KVKK and other legislation, and in any case, by taking all necessary administrative and technical measures, unless the above legitimate purposes are eliminated.

For What Purpose Do We Process Your Personal Data?

Champs prioritizes the Personal Data of its members; in cases expressly stipulated in the laws, provided that the personal data of the parties of the contract is required to be processed, provided that the general nature data is also directly related to the conclusion or performance of a contract, in cases where the processing is necessary for the Company to fulfill its legal obligations, the personal data is made public by the data subject himself. In cases where data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, and if data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of its members, it is processed for these legitimate purposes. In the presence of these exceptions in the Personal Data Protection legislation, it is not necessary for the person to give consent for the processing of personal data.

Apart from these, Champs processes the personal data of its members within the scope of their express consent.

Other purposes of processing Personal Data belonging to our members are as follows:

The performance of the call center services to be provided, the establishment of contracts with the customers of the Champs product or service, the creation of the customer record and the execution of the relevant contracts,

Information storage, reporting, informing etc. stipulated in the legislation. fulfillment of obligations,

Directing the requests and complaints from the members to the relevant units, evaluating the complaints and returning to the member,

Identification of the person making the transaction,

Social media, search engines, etc. of promotion, campaign, advertising and marketing activities. to be carried out through various channels, to carry out analysis and targeting studies for this purpose, to determine the behavioral tendencies of the members, to carry out strategy and efficiency studies,

Execution of business processes, internal management and management planning, technical analysis and reporting

Including but not limited to the execution and development of call center services to be provided to Champs customers and people receiving services from Champs, fulfilling member requests and similar purposes.

In addition, your personal data mentioned above can be processed within the framework of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the provisions of the second legislation related to the laws enumerated in the Turkish Commercial Code, the obligations arising from the tax legislation and the conditions required by other authorized public authorities and other legislation provisions, and physical archives and informatics belonging to Champs. It can be kept under protection in both digital and physical environment by being transferred to the systems.

Do we transfer your Personal Data to third parties and/or abroad?

As Champs, we are committed to keeping your personal data secure and not being processed unlawfully. When you apply to become a member of our platform, we may process your application as necessary during the evaluation and share it with the people involved in this process.

Again, in case of the existence of the legal reasons mentioned above, we can collect your personal data from the business contacts we cooperate with and/or receive services from, our customers, supervisory and regulatory public institutions and organizations, domestic and international digital marketing firms, cargo companies, companies providing software support services, lawyers. , business partners whose services we benefit from, including consultants, companies we cooperate with, and other third parties.

You consent to the processing of your data by Champs when necessary for the above purposes and, if necessary, to transfer or process the data to third parties with whom Champs has a business relationship.

What Are Your Rights as Data Owner’s Rights and What is the Application Procedure?

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

We would like to point out that you have the following rights regarding your data being processed by Champs:

Learning whether your Personal Data is processed,

If your Personal Data is being processed, obtaining information about them,

To learn what is the purpose of processing your Personal Data and whether your personal data is used in accordance with its purpose,

Learning who the third parties to whom the data is transferred and which data is transferred, if any,

Requesting correction of Processed Personal Data if it is incomplete or incorrect,

In case of correction, deletion or destruction of your personal data, requesting the notification of these transactions to the third parties to whom your Personal Data has been transferred,

Requesting the deletion or destruction of your processed Personal Data, in case the reasons requiring the processing of your Personal Data disappear or your Personal Data loses its up-to-dateness,

Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed Personal Data exclusively through automated systems,

You have the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your Personal Data.

You can send your requests regarding these rights to us via the application form below [●] via e-mail address.


Your requests regarding your Personal Data, by filling out the application form below and in writing to the address specified in the last section, by hand delivery, mail or cargo or notary public, to our registered electronic mail (KEP) address with secure electronic signature and mobile signature, or to our registered electronic mail (KEP) address and registered in our system. You can send it to our Company by applying via e-mail via your e-mail address.

Champs will conclude the requests addressed to it free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. In the event that a cost arises due to the fulfillment of your requests, we can only charge you the fees in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. Please click here for the application form.

As a result of requests made to Champs, we may accept or reject the requests by explaining the reason, and we may forward this response in writing or electronically to the requester. If the request is granted, we at Champs are obliged to promptly comply with the request.


If your requests to Champs are rejected by Champs, if you are not satisfied with the response given by Champs, or if there is no response, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Board within 30 days from the date you are notified of the response, and within 30 days from the end of the 30-day period if no response is received._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Data Controller Credentials

The phrase Champs used in this text has been issued for Champs Teknoloji Anonim Şirketi, which is established in Turkey and whose information is given below, and is addressed to the data subjects for whom the following company is the data controller:


MERSIS NO: 0209141366700001

Address: Esentepe, Büyükdere Cad. Tekfen Tower No:209, 6th Floor 34394 4. Levent Şişli / Istanbul.

Telephone: +90 212 706 28 99

KEP Address: champs@hs03.kep.tr