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We’re Rebranding and Relaunching – Here’s Why CHAMPS is Unique!

The Ultimate Customer Experience for Your Brand

At CHAMPS, we are excited to unveil our rebranding initiative, which is designed to reflect our commitment to delivering the best global customer experiences and adapting to the evolving gig economy. Our new logo, the ‘flexicon,’ symbolizes the strength that comes from the unity of our clients and talent. We had the opportunity to sit down with Mahir Tüzün, Founder and CEO of CHAMPS, to discuss this significant milestone and what it means for the future of the company.

Why Rebrand Now?

Q: Champs is growing in Turkey and expanding into Europe, and you’re attracting more global talent for customer service roles as well. At the same time, you’ve undertaken a significant rebranding initiative. The new logo, the ‘flexicon’, symbolizes the strength derived from the unity of clients and talent. Can you share your thoughts on why you thought this rebranding was necessary at this point in Champs’ journey?

Mahir Tüzün: We’re rebranding with our ‘flexicon’ because we have reached a critical point in growing in Turkey and expanding in Europe. It represents our deep commitment to the core of our business: the people. As we engage with more clients and onboard talent from across the globe, it’s crucial that our brand reflects the dynamics and the connectivity that we believe in. This new symbol – two bars in unison, like two fingers clasped together – is not just a logo. It embodies our belief that the collective strength of our clients and talent together can lead to great success in customer services, anytime and anyplace. The rebranding aligns our image with our mission: to be the leading force in creating flexible, people-centric work environments that empower both businesses and individuals to thrive.

The CHAMPS Advantage

Q: So, how does Champs’ remote management platform differ from other talent recruiting processes and platforms in the industry?

Mahir Tüzün: We’re a one-stop platform. That means a client only needs to come to Champs, and we will take care of everything else. We find the talent, pre-train these individuals, answer their questions, and take care of any issues that may arise. So, for our clients, it is a worry-free endeavor that saves their HR departments time, effort, and money while all their seasonal or long-term talent needs are taken care of. That’s what makes Champs truly unique because traditionally, platforms find individuals for clients, but from thereon, the client is usually left to his own devices.

Social Media Buzz

Q: While you were preparing for the launch of Champs’ new website and your new ‘flexicon’ logo, there has been a wave of new “look and feel” content on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. How has that been received on social media?

Mahir Tüzün: I am thrilled with the response we’ve received. First of all, everyone inside Champs is very excited because the logo just feels upbeat and happy. And that’s the type of reaction we get on LinkedIn and other social media as well. That means we’re getting a lot of support for the new direction we’re taking. People like seeing more of us and of our team. And they like our focus on people and our commitment to collaboration and flexibility.

Overcoming Initial Challenges

Q: Can you tell us more about the initial challenges you faced when you established Champs in 2021 in Turkey, and how you overcame them?

Mahir Tüzün: In the beginning, we saw a lot of skepticism about remote work models. But we stayed committed to our vision. We showed continued success, and we built trust by showcasing the quality of our talent and the efficiency of our remote work platform.

Creating a Unique Company Culture

Q: What inspired you to create a company culture that puts so much focus on the well-being and flexibility of your employees as well as your talents and clients?

Mahir Tüzün: The inspiration came from seeing how much people long for a better work-life balance. At the same time, the customers of our clients long for the best possible customer services. We wanted to create an environment where people are motivated and valued, leading to higher productivity and satisfaction for both our talents and clients. And that is what motivates us every day.

Trends Shaping the Future of Work

Q: In your opinion, what are the most significant trends shaping the future of work, and how is Champs addressing them?

Mahir Tüzün: The future is flexible and decentralized. That’s why we’re calling ourselves “The Flexperience Company.” Studies show that by the end of the decade, up to half of the workforce in the US and Europe may be working from home or another destination. We’re embracing AI and machine learning to match talent with opportunities more efficiently, and we’re also focusing on soft skills development as automation increases. We want to make it easier for both clients and talents to address this challenge and be at the forefront of this development via our Champs platform.

Investing in Talent

Q: And how does Champs Academy contribute to the learning and growth of your talent, and what impact has it had on the company’s success?

Mahir Tüzün: Champs Academy is our investment in people. It’s more than just training—it’s about personal and professional growth, especially when it comes to the social skills needed in the customer service industry. We have heard of really nice success stories from our Academy that prove that when you invest in people, they excel. The same is true for the company-specific training we provide for talent even before they are assigned to specific jobs. That way, all parties involved can be sure to provide the best customer services imaginable at all times.

Commitment to Sustainability

Q: You’re also emphasizing your sustainability goal of achieving net-zero status. What strategies are in place at Champs to achieve that goal?

Mahir Tüzün:Sustainability is one of our major issues at Champs. We are committed to conducting our business in parallel with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, supporting our partner talents on their ESG journeys. With our core business model, we support the freedom of work. We believe in empowering individuals to work on their own terms, free from traditional constraints. Our talents have the flexibility to choose their own schedules and projects, fostering a culture of freedom and autonomy.

In our business model, remote working and bring-your-own-device practices are the main pillars to free people, making their lives better and enabling their well-being. This business model also supports our environment. By enabling our talents to work from their homes, we significantly reduce carbon emissions associated with commuting and occupying office space, thereby contributing to a greener planet. Bring-your-own-device prevents double purchases of laptops, thus reducing CO2 emissions from producing excess laptops. Our business model’s CO2 advantage compared to a traditional office model is equivalent to 160,000 mature trees.

We will continue to review and improve our business model, which I call “ESG native,” while traditional businesses are undergoing ESG transformation projects. Just by the nature of Champs, we’re working without fixed office spaces, which means practically no travel. We’re optimizing digital infrastructure for energy efficiency and investing in sustainable practices. We’re tracking our carbon footprint meticulously and setting clear milestones that our clients can also use for their own CO2-footprint reduction.

Philosophy of Collaboration

Q: You say the new logo, the flexicon, symbolizes strength in collaboration. How does this philosophy translate into the daily operations and decision-making at Champs itself?

Mahir Tüzün: The flexicon represents partnership, and you can see this in our collaborative project teams. We have open communication channels and an open approach to problem-solving. This means we’re bringing together diverse perspectives for stronger solutions, and everybody is always encouraged to present their own ideas in any discussion.

Looking Ahead

Q: So, looking forward, what are the long-term goals for Champs, and how do you see the company evolving in the next 5 to 10 years?

Mahir Tüzün: Over the next decade, we aim to become a key leader in the flexible work revolution. We’re planning to further expand into Europe and beyond. And we are helping our clients develop their own gig economy strategies. We’re also focusing on advancing the use of the latest technologies, and we will continue to talk a lot about remote work and the numerous advantages that go with it for our clients as well as our talent around the globe. We want to open the door to a brighter, more connected future for businesses and talent alike and set new standards for flexibility and freedom in the freelance economy.

At CHAMPS, we are not just adapting to the future of work—we are actively shaping it. Our rebranding reflects our commitment to innovation, flexibility, and sustainability, ensuring that we continue to provide the ultimate customer experience for brands worldwide. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the standards of customer service and remote work.

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